Best ways to charge your phone’s battery


Best ways to charge your phone’s battery
We spend so much on tech that it’s incredibly frustrating when our devices break. A little prevention can go a long way. Here are six checkups to give your tech now to avoid a shocking repair bill later.

Regular maintenance is vital to longevity. Tap or click for my simple action plan to get more years out of your iPhone or Android.

Then, there are the mistakes you make day in and day out. Bad charging habits can shorten or disrupt your smartphone battery life if you aren’t careful.

Don’t rely on knock-off chargers
High-quality chargers have circuits inside of them that switch off when there’s too much power draw. This protects your phone battery from overcharging, breaking, or overheating.

Heat is your battery’s biggest enemy. Some cheap chargers and cables have even led to fire and injuries. Saving money is excellent, but don’t skimp on quality here.

Here’s a list of safe options that will charge your phone safely.

Be careful with power banks
Like with cheap chargers, cheap power banks can ruin your battery over time. Be sure any power bank you use has overcharge protection. If not, you can still use it, but keep an eye out. Once your battery is almost full, unplug it.

It would be best to avoid power banks with quick charge options unless they’re from a reliable brand. Here’s a rule of thumb: Say no if you’ve never heard of it.

Rapid charging can send too much electricity to your phone and cause battery damage. This high voltage could, at the very least, shorten your battery lifespan.

Tap or click for more smart ways to ensure you’re buying gear worth your money.

Don’t download battery-draining apps
Lithium-ion and lithium-polymer phone batteries only have limited charging cycles before they degrade. This is why most people encounter battery problems after two years of use.

There’s nothing you can do about your battery wearing down eventually, but some things have more of an impact. If you have performance apps that monitor your battery life, they could harm it in the long run. These apps constantly use power to monitor your battery life.

Spyware, adware, and other malware are also taxing on phones. Most constantly run in the background. Tap or click here for signs your phone is infected.

Don’t use your phone while it’s charging
Your phone is at 1%, so you plug it in. Leave it alone! Using your phone while charging can rapidly increase the temperature, putting strain on your battery, screen, and processor.

Charging rules are essential when it comes to your computer, too. Tap or click for steps to check your laptop’s battery health.

Take it out of the case
Phone cases can be a great way to customize your phone and add physical security. When it comes to charging, though, they can cause temperature problems.

When your phone battery heats up too much, it can cause damage to the rest of your phone. To be safe, take the case off while you charge — especially if you notice your phone heats up while it’s plugged in. 

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